How ‘Busy’ is Hurting our Health


Women today are struggling to catch their breath. Smart, strong, intelligent women are frantic and overwhelmed with the hectic pace and demands of every-day life. ‘Busy’ is hurting our health.

The modern woman is wearing more hats, juggling more projects, working longer hours and at the same time many continue to fulfil roles as home makers, nurturers, mothers and lovers. Add all of this to an endless list of ‘stuff’ we should be doing like exercising, eating well, having quality time with friends and family, improving ourselves and contributing to our community…there is no wonder we are overwhelmed and exhausted!

Our lives have become so demanding that ‘busy’ and ‘tired’ are just accepted as the norm. We are so caught up in the ‘doing’ that we are not actually just ‘being’, and sadly this is how we are measuring our success. We are pushing, striving, working harder, thinking, planning and rushing. As a result we are losing sight of human moments, connection and our health. For what?

It’s time to get real about what’s important to us and take back control.

‘Busy’ is not something to boast about…Busy’ is making us sick. Fatigue, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, headaches and tension – all conditions related to excessive busyness. It’s time to stop catastrophising our lives, subscribing to the hype and glorifying ‘busy’. It is more important than ever to take great care of ourselves. So how do we do this without feeling like it’s just another thing on our already epic ‘to do’ lists?

Most people will say they just don’t have time. We all have time…the same time. We prioritise what we value most. So saying that you don’t have time is because you don’t value it as a priority. By carving out time (that we all have) for ourselves, we can make huge strides in other aspects for our lives that have previously drained us.

You need to ask yourself; is what you are doing now aligned with what you want for your life? If the answer is no, it’s time to reassess.

Life will always bring us challenges, set-backs, disappointments and occasionally a full blown crisis. But in amongst it all there is joy and happiness to be found. We need to wake-up and be able to enjoy the ordinary and every day, the journey, the being, the authentic, the real.

Exhaustion, stress and busyness lie between what we have and what we want. Reassessing priorities and decluttering our lives is key to creating space to create more, be more, give more, dream more and live more. This is your life. Own it.

Change is not easy, but with the right support it is possible.  Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to learn more or find out how we can work together to help you regain control, find balance and develop healthy habits towards experiencing a more fulfilling life.

Reduce Stress and Improve Health.

Traditional stress management strategies can focus on optimum nutrition, exercise rituals, yoga and meditation. However in real life, health retreats, green juice cleanses and a raw food diet is just not real or practical for highly stressed people who just have to get on with things. Time consuming, idealistic strategies are not only hard to maintain but they can be difficult to even begin.

Busy, stressed and overwhelmed people need real-life solutions. We need changes that are workable, practical and achievable that assist and support improved health and wellbeing. Here are my top ten ways to help you reduce stress and improve your health immediately.

  1. Aim to gain health with nutritious food.

When we are stressed we tend to crave chocolate, ice cream, cheese…Unfortunately, indulging these cravings just end up adding to our self-sabotage. Strive for plenty of fresh, colourful and unprocessed food. Ideally we should be aiming to eat 5 serves of vegetables per day and around 2 serves of fruit. Combine this with lean protein and wholegrains to stay healthy and function with energy and improved mood.

  1. Get more sleep.

For busy people with not enough hours in the day – sleep can seem overrated. However without enough sleep we can’t function well. Most adults need between 7 – 9 hours of sleep a night. Much less than this affects our ability to cope.

  1. Exercise.

Hands down the best thing you can do right now to help yourself settle. Not only does it fire off its own set of physiological processes that promote relaxation and positive feelings, it enables us to get rid of that unwanted tension and the build-up of adrenalin pumping through our body. Simply start with small steps of something you enjoy.

  1. Learn to say no.

Accept that you are never going to be all things to all people. Ask yourself, is this something I want to do, something I need to do or something I have to do? If you can’t answer “yes” to any of these questions, your answers should be a definite “no

  1. Breathe.

Breathing engages our relaxation response which turns off our reaction to stress. Try breathing in slowly for four counts and exhaling slowly for four counts. Repeat this five times and notice how much more calm and present you feel.

  1. Clear the clutter.

It’s much easier to have a calm, clear mind when you live in a calm, clear environment. Try not to hold onto things you don’t need.

  1. Practise Gratitude.

When we are ‘busy’ it is easy for us to get bogged down, complain a lot and feel sorry for ourselves.  Being grateful can put us in a very different state of mind. Taking some time out to be mindful of things we are grateful for (big or small) can really help us appreciate what we have. Start a new ritual of writing down or saying out loud each day three things you are grateful for. Watch your perspective change.

  1. Make ‘Me’ Time a Priority.

For ‘busy’ people nurturing ourselves can feel selfish or indulgent; but sooner or later unless we start prioritising ourselves we can start to feel frustrated, fatigued, self-loathing with an overall lack of fulfilment. Self-renewal leads to a more balanced, happy and satisfied life. Book personal time in like you would for a meeting and do things that make you feel rested, cared for and peaceful.

  1. Watch the Coffee and Grog.

Warming up with coffee and cooling down with a glass/es of wine…everyday? I would never suggest to anyone under enormous stress to give up these things entirely however the secret is to consume them wisely, to ensure they enhance our day and not destroy it. Make sure you control ‘it’ and ‘it’ doesn’t control you.

  1. Spend time with the people you love.

At the end of the day it won’t matter if you were a size 8, had the big job, got the promotion or had a tidy house. What will matter is that you lived a life with connection, meaning and had real relationships filled with laughter and joy.

If you’re ready to commit to change and know you need some support, I’m here to help. Why not book a free 20 minute discovery session with me – let me help you get clear on what your next steps need to be so you can feel less stressed and empowered on how to take back some control.

Contact Me




Exercise for Busy People. How Much is Enough?

So is being ‘busy’ really a good enough reason not to exercise when we know that the alternative is; the likelihood of lethargy, lack of energy, weight gain, depression and health problems, not to mention a general dissatisfaction with the way you look and feel.

I get up early and exercise most days. It’s not only a habit, it’s a non-negotiable part of my working week – it is my time, my meditation, it makes me feel fit, healthy, strong and positive. Do I bounce out of bed to an alarm thrilled at the prospect of pounding the pavement? Definitely not! Regardless of what is going on in my life or how busy I am or how much pressure I am under, I predictably get back from a run or from the gym or from a yoga class and feel centred, clear, relaxed, happy and ready to tackle the day.

For busy women with competing priorities, obligations and ‘stuff’ to do, it’s easy for exercise to be pushed to the bottom of the list. After-all, there are only so many hours in the day, right…? WRONG! Whenever we don’t REALLY want to do something like exercise we can think of so many reasons not to. Can you relate to any of the following?

–          “I’m too busy”

–          “I’m too tired”

–          “I have to leave for work early”

–          “My kids get up early”

–          “It’s cold outside”

–          “Gyms aren’t really my thing”

–           “I don’t enjoy exercise”

–          “I hate to sweat”

–          “I have bad knees”

–          “I’m too fat”

–          “There’s no point, I never see any results”

There are so many ‘excuses’ we make and stories we tell ourselves as to why we aren’t moving and shaking despite knowing how important movement is for our overall health. Ultimately these stories and excuses add up and disempower us. If we really want something then we will make the time.

The solution in reality is so simple…just start. Some is better than none.

So how much do we need? Thirty minutes of moderate intensity activity most days will do it. Moderate activity means you can still talk, (perhaps not sing) while exercising. Okay you are not going to light up the night sky but thirty minutes of moderate exercise is a great start to achieving considerable health benefits. Of course if you are keen to take it to the next level, schedule some regular, vigorous activity for extra health and fitness outcomes.

What about when 30 minutes is just impossible to find? You can also raise your heart rate and reap huge health benefits just from incorporating a small amount of exercise into your everyday life. A few shorter sessions of incidental activity is a great way to do it. Things like walking your dog, walking with a friend, taking the stairs over the lift, walking to the bus stop, walking to the shops or scheduling a ‘movement’ meeting with a colleague are all great options. Simply by changing your mind set and scheduling exercise in like you would an appointment or a meeting means you can move a little more on those days when you just can’t find that 30 mins or 1 hour of dedicated work-out time.

There is no supplement, superfood or pill you can take that will benefit your health as much as regular exercise.  I promise you it will improve every area of your life and help you be at your best. Every one of us needs to re-organise and re-prioritise our lives so that we put ourselves and our health first. If we don’t have our health then we don’t have anything.

Rightio, time to schedule in that exercise. What is one positive thing you can do over the next week to increase your movement? Stuck and unsure of what to do? Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for my help. I would love to help you get moving.

“The hardest thing about exercise is to start doing it. Once you are doing exercise regularly the hardest thing to do is stop it.” Erin Gray


How Values affect our Wellbeing.

Articulating our values is absolutely key towards getting real about what we want our life to look like. Values are what is most important to us. If we can define our values and then live in alignment with them then we will ultimately feel happier and more fulfilled. Sound a bit heavy? Stay with me…

Values really should determine our priorities. When the things that we do and the way we behave match our values, life is good, we feel satisfied and content. However with the hectic pace, complexities, competing priorities and demands of modern life we are finding we are more and more just getting by and choosing the path of least resistance. This can be a real source of unhappiness. That sick feeling when you know things just don’t sit right – we all know it and it’s not a nice feeling.

This is why making a conscious effort to identify and understand our values is so important. When we are aware of them, honour them and make decisions aligned with them – life is good and a hell of a lot easier.

I took some time out and got ‘real’ on my values about three years ago. A couple of my top values that I am happy to share with you are;

Family and Friends. Having connected, meaningful and authentic relationships with those closest to me is my priority.

Health and Wellness. To be the best version of me in body, mind and spirit is a commitment I make to myself every day.

I know my values inside out and I turn to them when I need to make decisions.

Do you know what your values are?

Can you clearly articulate what is most important to you?

You might like to use the following list of common personal values to help you get started; Aim for a top 5. Really ask yourself and get real on what is most important to you.

Acceptance Determination Health Reliability
Accomplishment Discipline Honesty Religion
Accountability Diversity Independence Respect
Achievement Empathy Integrity Responsibility
Ambition Enjoyment Intelligence Security
Assertiveness Enthusiasm Influence Self-Control
Balance Excellence Intuition Self-Respect
Belonging Excitement Joy Sensitivity
Calmness Expertise Leadership Service
Challenge Exploration Legacy Spirituality
Cheerfulness Faith Love Spontaneity
Commitment Family Loyalty Stability
Community Fitness Openness Structure
Compassion Focus Order Success
Contentment Freedom Originality Teamwork
Contribution Fun Perfection Travel
Control Generosity Positivity Thoughtfulness
Courage Gratitude Power Trust
Courtesy Growth Professionalism Understanding
Creativity Happiness Punctuality Vitality
Curiosity Hard Work Recognition Wealth

Identifying, understanding and recognising our values can be a challenging but really empowering exercise. It is who we are. If we can live our lives according to our values, we’ll make good decisions, feel more fulfilled and experience a much greater sense of wellbeing.

If you would like some support on getting clear on what you want your best life to look like get in touch, I’d love to help.