Managing Life Overload.

Last week I was invited to speak about ‘Life Overload’ and offer some suggestions for people around how they can take charge of their health. So I’d like to share with you these five things you can do to help move you from being over it and overwhelmed to feeling empowered, focused, vibrant, healthy and back in control

1. Decide.

A decision to change is not something you just stumble over, it’s something you have to decide you want and commit to. You don’t have to have hit rock bottom, nor do you have to tolerate a ‘merr’ kind of life. So if you have the innate wisdom of wanting more…Decide you want something better. Decide you are worth it. Decide you want a life.

2. Vision.

Get crystal clear on what you want. Without a vision it’s hard to find the motivation to move forward. It’s hard to get excited, be energetic or even enthusiastic if you don’t know where you are headed. Writing a vision can be hugely powerful. I encourage all of my clients to write a statement of intention that is compelling, inviting and appealing where they imagine living their best life. A vision forces you to cut through the fog and overload to give you clarity and simplify what you are trying to achieve.

3. Boundaries.

With the fast pace, busy, demanding life we all lead between work, families, the house, friends, exercise, contributing to society, who has time for boundaries? Well having boundaries is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves towards achieving health, wellness and ultimately happiness. Establish what boundaries you need to set for yourself, communicate them with the people they affect and then of course enforce them. Practice makes perfect.

4. Success. Know what that means for you.

What is YOUR definition of success? Because it’s the only one that really counts. So many of us walk around with the cookie cutter image of success in our mind and not what really matters most. My personal definition of success is not earning tons of money working 12 hour days; but rather being healthy, energised and present with connected relationships. So getting REAL about what’s important to you and pursuing your very own definition of success is key.

5. Put your wellbeing first.

You need to be well. You must look after your health and vitality to live your best life. So how do we do this without feeling like it’s just another thing to do?

Traditional stress management strategies can focus on optimum nutrition, exercise rituals, yoga and meditation. However in real life, health retreats, green juice cleanses and a raw food diet are just not real or practical for highly stressed people who just have to get on with things. Time consuming, idealistic strategies are not only hard to maintain but they can be difficult to even begin.

Busy, stressed and overwhelmed people need real-life solutions.

If you would like to some real-life, no nonsense, practical solutions that will empower you for positive, lasting change – please get in touch. I’d love to help you take charge of your health.

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