Time to Prioritise Health over Beauty.

We live in a world that sends us all sorts of messages about the ‘perfect’ body. Truth is, there is no such thing. We are constantly receiving image-related messages, both within the media and our surrounding environments, indicating what society views as ‘beautiful’. It is not surprising then, that instead of embracing and celebrating diversity in all body types, we end up focusing on what can be dangerous and often physically unattainable perfection. Given that most images in everyday media are computer-manipulated to create completely unrealistic bodies, it is no wonder more and more people are turning to cosmetic surgery to get the body the media portrays. And since the images created are artificial in the first place, it follows that no one can attain this body through natural or healthy means.

So What’s Body Image?
Body image refers to how you see yourself, how you feel about the way you look and how you think others perceive you. The reality is that we come in all different shapes and sizes. It is unrealistic to represent only one body type as beautiful. Unfortunately there is a whole lot of shame, guilt and disappointment around our bodies today.

Time to Embrace.
This week I am thrilled to be hosting a cinema screening of one of the most important documentaries of 2016 ‘Embrace.’ The documentary is the brainchild of Body Image Movement founder Taryn Brumfitt. From body loather to body lover, Taryn has set her sights on creating global change in the way people feel about their bodies by sharing not only her journey, but also that of inspiring and motivational people from across the globe. https://fan-force.com/screenings/embrace-roseville-cinemas-nsw/ I am seriously passionate about helping to share this important message and get people questioning and accepting the current norm.

We are enough. We are not broken. We do not need to be fixed. We need to stop stigmatizing bodies and calling them too fat, too short, too old, too tall. The truth is we come in a variety of shapes and sizes and our diversity is something to be celebrated.


1. Question Messages in the Media.
We need to look and think critically about the unrealistic ways the media portrays girls and women. We should be questioning and challenging western society’s narrow beauty ideal. So many pictures are photo-shopped to the point where those body shapes are impossible to achieve. It is not real life. We shouldn’t be comparing ourselves to the unrealistic images in the media.

2. Give your Body some Love.
Focus on our positive qualities, skills and talents and what our bodies can do rather than on how we look. Perhaps consider all the different aspects that make up a person; personality, skills and outlook on life! The body is amazing. Appreciating and respecting all the things it can do will help you to feel more positive about it.

3. Think Critically.
Become a critical viewer of social and media messages.  Pay attention to images or attitudes that make you feel bad about yourself or your body. Do you really need that in your life? Try to stick to media that doesn’t make you feel ugly and unworthy.

4. Rock your own Style.
Wear clothes that are comfortable and make you feel good about your body.  Work with your body, not against it. When you feel like your clothing suits you, you’ll feel a lot happier and confident in yourself.

5. Don’t be Negative.
Accept other people’s body sizes and shapes. There is no right or wrong when it comes to body shape or appearance. People are more than numbers on a scale. Every person is a unique individual with admirable talents, skills, and abilities. Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. We should be celebrating our individuality and diversity.

6. Don’t Diet.
Instead of weighing food, obsessing over it, fantasising about it, just eat what makes you feel healthy and gives you plenty of energy to achieve what you want in your life. Try to eat healthy and in moderation. Focus on how different foods make you feel. You’ll start noticing which ones make you feel bloated and lethargic, and which ones make you feel energetic and vibrant. Don’t get caught up in fad diets which inevitably end up backfiring, and result in you putting on more weight than you started with.

All this obsession is not only time consuming, it’s a waste of time. Truth is, healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. We need to change the rules and the way we think. It is time to celebrate diversity, pursue vitality and health through mindful eating and enjoyable movement.

If the way you feel about your body is getting you down or if you are caught up in the sea of misinformation and confusion; please contact me for some support options. Together we can get you thriving, flourishing and enjoying life.  http://www.chasingsunrise.com.au/contact/

Managing Life Overload.

Last week I was invited to speak about ‘Life Overload’ and offer some suggestions for people around how they can take charge of their health. So I’d like to share with you these five things you can do to help move you from being over it and overwhelmed to feeling empowered, focused, vibrant, healthy and back in control

1. Decide.

A decision to change is not something you just stumble over, it’s something you have to decide you want and commit to. You don’t have to have hit rock bottom, nor do you have to tolerate a ‘merr’ kind of life. So if you have the innate wisdom of wanting more…Decide you want something better. Decide you are worth it. Decide you want a life.

2. Vision.

Get crystal clear on what you want. Without a vision it’s hard to find the motivation to move forward. It’s hard to get excited, be energetic or even enthusiastic if you don’t know where you are headed. Writing a vision can be hugely powerful. I encourage all of my clients to write a statement of intention that is compelling, inviting and appealing where they imagine living their best life. A vision forces you to cut through the fog and overload to give you clarity and simplify what you are trying to achieve.

3. Boundaries.

With the fast pace, busy, demanding life we all lead between work, families, the house, friends, exercise, contributing to society, who has time for boundaries? Well having boundaries is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves towards achieving health, wellness and ultimately happiness. Establish what boundaries you need to set for yourself, communicate them with the people they affect and then of course enforce them. Practice makes perfect.

4. Success. Know what that means for you.

What is YOUR definition of success? Because it’s the only one that really counts. So many of us walk around with the cookie cutter image of success in our mind and not what really matters most. My personal definition of success is not earning tons of money working 12 hour days; but rather being healthy, energised and present with connected relationships. So getting REAL about what’s important to you and pursuing your very own definition of success is key.

5. Put your wellbeing first.

You need to be well. You must look after your health and vitality to live your best life. So how do we do this without feeling like it’s just another thing to do?

Traditional stress management strategies can focus on optimum nutrition, exercise rituals, yoga and meditation. However in real life, health retreats, green juice cleanses and a raw food diet are just not real or practical for highly stressed people who just have to get on with things. Time consuming, idealistic strategies are not only hard to maintain but they can be difficult to even begin.

Busy, stressed and overwhelmed people need real-life solutions.

If you would like to some real-life, no nonsense, practical solutions that will empower you for positive, lasting change – please get in touch. I’d love to help you take charge of your health.

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