What Should I Eat?

Do you ever wonder what the heck you should be eating? Are you mixed up and confused about what healthy looks like? The sad truth is that much of what we eat has been processed within an inch of its life we may as well not even call it food!

The food we eat has a huge impact on our body and minds. A healthy diet is linked to a reduced risk of illness, improved mood, raised energy levels, increased productivity as well as better quality sleep. But you know all of that right? So why is it that we do what we do when we know what we know?

Well because in the busy lives we all lead, we are looking for a quick fix. The problem is we are being bombarded with the latest and greatest diet trends and this is confusing for people. Paleo, Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Dukan, 5:2, Vegan, Flexitarian…People don’t know what they should be eating! Then there is the healthy heart ticks of approval and claims on food labelling of being 99% fat free, low fat, high protein, no sugar….No wonder our heads are spinning!

I enjoy coaching people around nourishing their bodies with real, whole, colourful, simple food. I like a diet that comprises of lots of fresh fruit and vegies, legumes, wholegrains, seafood, a little meat, nuts and seeds. I hate the idea of people depriving themselves, having a blow-out then resentfully chomping on celery for the next two days. This is total craziness! Eating for good health can be simple and easy. It does not need to feel like rocket science.

Below are some really basic guidelines that are easy to follow when it comes to food;

Variety – Mix it up with different flavours, colours and textures. Aim to have a rainbow coloured plate at each meal.
Seasonal – Buy fresh locally produced fruit and vegetables. It is always the best choice for your health and your wallet.

Eat Unprocessed – Aim to buy the majority of your food fresh. Eat food the way it comes from nature as often as you can.

Watch Portion Size – Many of us simply put too much on our plate!

Hydrate Regularly – Drink plenty of water. Limit juice and soft drinks.

Don’t Skip Meals – Especially breakfast. Aim for three meals each day and a morning and afternoon snack to keep energy levels high.

Remove Temptations – Save party food for the party!

Buy Healthy Snacks – If we have our fridge full and our pantry stocked with nourishing food, we will eat nourishing food.

Relax – If you have a blow out and happen to eat the entire tub of ice cream (or whatever might be your vice) – don’t worry too much about it, just work towards getting back on track the next day. It suits me to be fairly disciplined throughout the week and then relax a bit on weekends.

For a busy woman who is time poor, preparing healthy meals for a family can be overwhelming and just another thing on our already ‘epic’ to do lists. If you are interested in learning how to create quick, simple, nourishing meals for you and your family please reach out and contact me here.

As many of you will know I am a Health Practitioner for Food Matters. I am a massive fan of the work they do and how passionately committed they are to transforming people’s health. I am thrilled to be able to share an amazing FREE resource offer with you. FMTV is like Netflix for Health. It is health inspiration anywhere, any time. You can stream hundreds of the latest docos, try a yoga class, be guided through a meditation, watch expert interviews or get some new recipe inspiration. It is brilliant! Click on the link if you would like access to start a 10 Day Free Trial. It might be just the nudge you need to put you back at the top of that ‘To Do’ list.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any queries, questions or just need a little support. I’d love to connect with you.

In the meantime, take great care.
Megan x

Hyperstriving. It’s a Thing!

I feel compelled to share…this concept of hyperstriving. I first met Talya Rabinovitz, a Psychologist and founder of ‘The Healthy Mind Project’ at a Wellness event late last year. Talya talked about this thing called ‘hyperstriving’ and my ears pricked up and there I was nodding along to everything she was saying… I am without doubt a recovering hyperstriver.

Talya explained that ‘hyperstriving’ (which she notes is not a clinical term or concept and could be called something else by other clinicians) is a relentless desire to achieve. It is when people align their sense of identity with achievement; that their value in this world is connected to what they do and how others see them. This concept of feeling good enough when they achieve. These people have very high expectations of themselves, they push and push and push themselves to achieve and yet when they do achieve, that feeling of elation never arrives, more this feeling and compulsion to keep striving, to keep hustling and to keep going. This thinking that maybe when I achieve this next big thing…then I’ll feel fulfilled. Except that feeling of being good enough and content enough and happy enough never arrives. Do, do, do. More, more, more!

See there is no happiness or contentment in hyperstriving. There is a real problem when our sense of worth is tied up in what we do and how others see us.

Whilst there is no valid and reliable checklist to diagnose a hyperstriver; I can say with a fair amount of certainty that so many of the women I know and the clients I see are in fact themselves ‘hyperstrivers.’ These women are smart, strong, driven, capable and switched on. These same women are wearing more hats, juggling more projects, working longer hours and taking on more responsibility than ever before. Meanwhile many of us continue to also fulfil traditional roles as home makers, nurturers, carers and partners. Add all of this to an endless list of ‘stuff’ we should be doing like exercising, eating well, having quality time with friends and family, improving ourselves and contributing to our community…There is no wonder we are overwhelmed and exhausted!

Could you be a hyperstriver? Do any of the following sound like you?

  • Lost your passion and purpose.
  • Burning out.
  • Relationships are suffering.
  • Always rushing.
  • Lack of satisfaction despite all the hard work.
  • Low energy.
  • Career flourishing, health diminishing.
  • Poor food habits.
  • Competing priorities.
  • Snappy and frustrated.
  • Rarely feel like you are on top of things.
  • Strung out and exhausted.
  • Daily battle to keep up.
  • Using coffee to warm up and alcohol to cool down.
  • No time to exercise.
  • Endless ‘To Do’ lists.
  • Values are no longer aligned with the life you’re living.
  • Always feeling like there is more to do.
  • Know you need to make changes but don’t know where to start.

I get you. I’ve been there. I also know with the benefit of hindsight that there is no joy or authentic, meaningful success to be found in always striving towards achieving the next big thing. Regardless of what we do or what we have, we are all precious and important. We are enough. There is real beauty, joy and happiness to be found in the ‘being’ and just letting go.

I help busy women like you achieve happier, healthier and more balanced lifestyles. With guidance, I will help you simplify and structure your ‘busy life’. We will work together to create a life that reflects what is really important to you. A life that aligns with what matters most to you. Together we will dig yourself out of the clutter. With my support, I will help you create healthy behaviours in the realms of nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, organisation and stress management. You will emerge feeling energised, inspired and empowered. You will have more time, have greater balance and feel like you are more aligned with your true self. For more information, contact me here.


How This Year Can Be Better.

Are you Embracing 2017 with Energy and Enthusiasm and Geared up to make it the Best Yet?

A lot of people begin the New Year by making resolutions. We’ve all been there. We make a promise to lose weight, exercise more, cut down on alcohol or spend more quality time with family. We start the year with great intentions, but then we quickly relapse into old habits. Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions?

Research suggests that only 14 days into the New Year 30% have already given up on their goals and intentions and fast forward a couple of months only 12% of those that created intentions are actually achieving what they set out to back on January 1.

The reality is unless you do something you’ve never done, you are going to get what you’ve always got. I came across the most brilliant quote last week; Einstein’s definition of insanity; “Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.”

Try Something New.

To get new results you have to be open and willing to try something new. If you are sick and tired of nothing changing then take some action. Reach out and get the support you need. With the right tools, support and accountability your life can be different. Use this opportunity to design and create a life you really love. The question is are you willing to do what it takes to get there?

I can help…you just have to be ready.

For some of us, 2016 was a great year of health, wellness, enjoyment and fulfilment. Sadly, for others, this eluded them yet again. The habits that some of us have implemented, that keep us healthy, are the exact habits that others should be implementing to better their own health and wellbeing.

Top 5 Healthy Habits to Embrace in 2017.

Below is a list of some small, simple things you can do today to improve your health; and when put into practice consistently will transform your wellness. This is my ‘Top 5 Healthy Habits’ that will help you live a healthier and more enjoyable 2017 and all the years after that.

1.       Move More. There is no superfood or ‘pill’ with as much holistic benefit for wellbeing as movement. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day will offer you massive benefits for both your body and mind. Maximise your success by doing an activity that keeps you motivated, interested and that you enjoy. Consistency is the key. Some is better than none and more is better than less!

2.       Drink More Water. Not only will you feel better, you will look better and perform better. Many of us do not drink enough. There is a simple formula .04 x weight (kg) will give you an idea of how much you should be consuming each day in litres. More than you think and you will need to drink more than this is you are exercising. You will know if you have consumed enough throughout the day because your urine will be clear or straw-coloured.

3.       Ditch the Diet. They don’t work and can in fact harm our health. A healthier approach to weight management is to not diet but to realise our body wants us to be healthy and comfortable. Strive for plenty of fresh, colourful and unprocessed food. Ideally we should be aiming to eat 5 serves of vegetables per day and around 2 serves of fruit. Combining this with lean protein, legumes, wholegrains, nuts and seeds makes an excellent choice.

4.       Go to Bed Earlier. Sleep affects our mental and physical health enormously. It assists our ability to function well and make good decisions throughout the day. Lack of sleep is a very common problem for ‘busy women’. We need to be aiming for between 7 – 9 hours each night. Research suggests that for sufficient deep, restorative sleep we should be in bed no later than 10:30pm.

5.       Practise Gratitude. When we are ‘busy’ it is easy for us to get bogged down, complain a lot and feel sorry for ourselves.  Being grateful can put us in a very different state of mind. Taking some time out to be mindful of things we are grateful for (big or small) can really help us appreciate what we have. Start a new ritual of writing down or saying out loud each day three things you are grateful for. Watch your perspective change.

Healthy Habits for Life.

So if you would like this year to be different and would like some support and guidance to achieve your very own 2017 health goals, then get in touch. This is not a fad diet, no crazy exercise regime, not a prescription nor a quick fix, but a program that will empower you and give you the skills and knowledge you need to develop healthy habits that stick for life!

I’m taking bookings for February now. Spaces limited.


This is your chance to kick start the new year right.